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using apphost_extract_v2.General;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection.PortableExecutable;
using System.Text;
namespace apphost_extract_v2.Models
public class ApphostFile30 : IApphostFile
private const int HEADER_OFFSET_PTR = 0x23E00;
private const int HEADER_SIZE = 0xD;
private const int FILE_ENTRY_SIZE = 0x12;
public ApphostFile30(FileStream fs, PEHeaders peheader) : base(fs, peheader)
Header = new AppHostFileHeader();
Log.Info($"Reading header at 0x{HEADER_OFFSET_PTR:X8}...");
var headerAddress = BitConverter.ToInt32(fs.ReadBuffer(HEADER_OFFSET_PTR, 4));
if(headerAddress == 0)
Log.Fatal("The address of the Bundle header is 0 :/");
var headerBuffer = fs.ReadBuffer(headerAddress, HEADER_SIZE);
Header.Raw = headerBuffer;
Header.Path = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fs.ReadBuffer(headerAddress + HEADER_SIZE, 0xC));
Header.Manifest = ParseManifest();
public ApphostFile30(FileStream fs, PEHeaders peheader, uint headerOffset) : base(fs, peheader)
Header = new AppHostFileHeader();
Log.Info($"Reading header at 0x{HEADER_OFFSET_PTR:X8}...");
var headerAddress = headerOffset;
if (headerAddress == 0)
Log.Fatal("The address of the Bundle header is 0 :/");
var headerBuffer = fs.ReadBuffer(headerAddress, HEADER_SIZE);
Header.Raw = headerBuffer;
Header.Path = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fs.ReadBuffer(headerAddress + HEADER_SIZE, 0xC));
Header.Manifest = ParseManifest();
private AppHostManifest ParseManifest()
AppHostManifest manifest = new AppHostManifest();
var embeddedFileCount = BitConverter.ToInt32(Header.Raw, 0x8);
Log.Info($"Found {embeddedFileCount} embedded files.");
for (int i = 0; i < embeddedFileCount; i++)
return manifest;
private AppHostFileEntry GetNextEntry()
AppHostFileEntry entry = new AppHostFileEntry();
byte[] entryBuffer = new byte[FILE_ENTRY_SIZE];
FileStream.Read(entryBuffer, 0, entryBuffer.Length);
entry.Raw = entryBuffer;
entry.Offset = BitConverter.ToInt64(entry.Raw, 0);
//hopefully nobody embeds a file larger than 2GB :D
entry.Size = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(entry.Raw, 0x8);
byte[] stringBuffer = new byte[entry.Raw[0x11]];
FileStream.Read(stringBuffer, 0, stringBuffer.Length);
entry.Name = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stringBuffer);
return entry;
public override void Close()