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#include "exception.hpp"
namespace exception
auto handle_debug() -> void
rflags g_rflags;
ia32_debugctl_register debugctl;
__vmx_vmread(VMCS_GUEST_RFLAGS, &g_rflags.flags);
__vmx_vmread(VMCS_GUEST_DEBUGCTL, &debugctl.flags);
// should also check: if ((g_rflags.trap_flag && (debugctl.btf && instruction.type == branching))
if (g_rflags.trap_flag && !debugctl.btf)
vmx_exit_qualification_debug_exception pending_db;
__vmx_vmread(VMCS_GUEST_PENDING_DEBUG_EXCEPTIONS, &pending_db.flags);
pending_db.single_instruction = true;
__vmx_vmwrite(VMCS_GUEST_PENDING_DEBUG_EXCEPTIONS, pending_db.flags);
vmx_interruptibility_state interrupt_state;
// not going to clear blocked by NMI or
// SMI stuff as IRETQ should unblock that...
// im not emulating IRETQ instruction either...
interrupt_state.blocking_by_mov_ss = false;
interrupt_state.blocking_by_sti = false;
__vmx_vmwrite(VMCS_GUEST_INTERRUPTIBILITY_STATE, interrupt_state.flags);
auto injection(interruption_type type, u8 vector, ecode_t error_code) -> void
vmentry_interrupt_information interrupt{};
interrupt.interruption_type = type;
interrupt.vector = vector;
interrupt.valid = true;
if (error_code.valid)
interrupt.deliver_error_code = error_code.valid;
__vmx_vmwrite(VMCS_VMEXIT_INTERRUPTION_ERROR_CODE, error_code.valid);